LIMBO, 2022
Limbo is a ceramic vessel for keeping our small souvenirs.

"Throughout our lives we collect many things. Some have material or functional value, while others are only important to us because they are linked to certain moments in our lives. It can be difficult to find an appropriate place for these small belongings, and equally hard is the decision whether to throw them away or keep them longer. 

These possessions are destined to just disappear in the bottom of a junk drawer alongside other treasures, but over time, these seemingly unconnected items can become an unconsciously made record of our past and interests. Just like the way small coins in a piggy bank add up to a bigger sum over time.

The word Limbo describes a mythological place after death, where the fate of the dead souls is being decided. It is neither hell nor redemption, somewhere in-between.

The Limbo vessel functions like a fishing trap. It traps and stores our small souvenirs and because of its form it is not possible to pour them out again. The objects are not accessible anymore but not gone either, out of sight but not out of mind."

This project is a collaboration with Anton Defant